Coach D

Päävalmentaja Darko Mihajlovic jatkaa valmentajauraansa toisaalla. Tahdomme kiittää näistä kolmesta vuodesta ja toivotamme menestystä tulevaan.

Kuva Eveliina Toivola

”It were wonderfull 3 years with the Bisons Loimaa, where we had our ups and downs, but always knew how to react the right way and reach our goal, which was get the club to Korisliiga, where it belongs. I want to thank the Bisons organization around Heikki Perho, Vesa Pakkanen and Marko Toivola for chosing me for that challenge in the first place, which allowed me to win 2 championships during my period here. As well I want to thank my staff around Konsta, Jesse, Marko and Eero and all the players I have worked with during this 3 year span for their tireless work behind the scenes. Last but not least I want to thank the fans who supported us, no matter which level we played and always created the right atmosphere in the gym. I am leaving with a lot of good memories and confident, that the Bisons are in good hands and in a spot where they belong. It is a great feeling to have been part of it. Thank you Bisons! Thank you Loimaa!” Darko Mihajlovic

Kuva Eveliina Toivola

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